Monday, August 9, 2010

Beer: Kirin Ichiban

Beautiful Design by T. Young
Licensed under Creative Commons
Brewery: Anheuser-Busch, Inc (Kirin Beers) Los Angeles, California

Overview: A typical "Japanese" go-to staple of sushi restaurants, Kirin is a light colored attempt at a full-flavored lager.   I was surprised slightly to see that in the US it is produced by Anheuser Busch, but after trying it and making some notes, it did seem to fit more of a mass market beer profile.

Aroma: Malty, like bread crusts.  Perhaps a slight hint of lemon zest buried underneath.  Some sourdough crusts on the kitchen counter with a window open to fresh cut grass.

Appearance: Clear, light straw colored.  Thick, pure white head that quickly dissipates, leaving some residue on glass but not strong enough for further lacing.

Flavor:  Not  much jumps out.  Little bitterness, some malt profile but without any complexity whatsoever.  Leaves a crisp feeling on the tongue, but one that is devoid of a particular flavor, with just a hint of hop bitterness bordering on earthy greenery.  Tastes a little bit like a copper penny sitting on the back of your tongue.

Overall Impression: Very mass-market drinkable and less than noteworthy in my opinion.  I like to pick up Japanese beers when I eat sushi, but compared to a Sapporo, the Kirin is extremely light in flavor and light in reasons for me to pick it up again.  Overall, it drinks fine, but is more akin to a Budweiser or Coors than a German Lager.  Drinkable, but not my favorite in the Japanese beer category.

Style Japanese Lager (German Pils?)
Price $7.49/six-pack
Found In Grocery Store Beer Aisle
Alcohol Content 4.49% by volume
Availability Year-round

Rating: 88

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