Monday, October 25, 2010

Beer: Buffalo Bill's Pumpkin Spice Ale

Brewery: Buffalo Bill's Brewery Hayward, California

Overview: Buffalo Bill's Pumpkin Ale is perhaps their most famous seasonal brew, and certainly the one that introduced me to the California brewery.  Armed with the trademark solid orange cap and telltale twisty vines on the label, the Pumpkin Ale reminds me that Autumn is upon us.

Aroma: What you might expect at Thanksgiving.  Strong roasted pumpkin, with some nutmeg and clove hints, like the pumpkin pie baking in your mom's kitchen.  The sweet pumpkin is dominant in the mix of malty sweetness and spice, tending towards what you'd imagine from a a heavy baked puree.

Appearance: Pale amber, low evident carbonation, with a quarter inch white head that dissipates.

Flavor: Creamy smooth, whip cream to go along with the pie.  Good hop bite without bitterness.  You can't hide the pumpkin, though.  The jack-o-lantern comes through in the flavor with more cinnamon.  A bit of toasted notes in the finish, completing the illusion as you take down the crust.

Overall Impression: It's obvious.  There is not much to say about this beer.  Other than it tastes and smells and even kind of looks like a big slice of pumpkin pie.  Oh, and the recommendation is about the same.  You need at least one of these beers annually, along with one slice of pumpkin pie.  But don't try these at the same time, you might be overwhelmed.  Still, as far as seasonals go, Buffalo Bill's is the best pumpkin ale I have tried so far, and you need to grab one as well.

Style Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer
Price $8.99/six-pack
Found In Grocery Store Beer Aisle
Alcohol Content 5.2% by volume
Availability Autumn
Bitterness 11-12 IBU

Rating:  92

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week Off

Taking this week off, but we'll be back next week!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Beer: Long Hammer IPA

Photo by Cameron Mathews
Brewery: Redhook Brewery Seattle, Washington

Overview: Long Hammer IPA is Redhook's contribution to the hoppy beer market and is a relatively well-distributed one at that, appearing in my favorite local pubs as well as liquor stores and the occasional grocery.  It is marketed as having a wonderful hop aroma, but not overly bitter taste.

Aroma: Fresh cut grass and citrus.  Hops definitely evident.

Appearance: Hazy pale gold.  Orange highlights beneath a frothy white head.

Flavor: Bites hard with strong tart grapefruit on steroids upfront but then extremely sweet in the back with a crisp finish.  Low malt sweetness in the mouth and kind of a weird balance.

Overall Impression: This is a good IPA, but not necessarily remarkable.  I could drink several of these, but I don' find that there is any overwhelming hops or brilliance to the balance.  Still, a highly approachable IPA, particularly for those that may not be total hop-heads, and one that does a good job of pushing the grapefruit flavors.

Style India Pale Ale
Price $7.99/six-pack
Found In Local Liquor Store
Alcohol Content 6.5% by volume
Availability Year-round
Bitterness 44 IBU

Rating: 92

Monday, October 4, 2010

Beer: Shiner Oktoberfest

Brewery: Spoetzl Brewery Shiner, Texas

Overview: Shiner's Texan offering to the Oktoberfest bier selection (yes, I spelled it bier), this beer is a relatively new one for me to find in the lineup from Spoetzl. 

Aroma: Crisp hops, a little light on the malt aroma, but very clean.

Appearance: Pours a light coppery gold with a giant frothy white head that dissipates, condensing and leaving behind lace on the top of the glass.

Flavor: There's a roasted quality in there from some caramel malt, but it does have some bready notes.  A little hop bitterness in the finish and aftertaste.  Some astringency.

Overall Impression: I have to say, I love the folks down at Shiner for creating good, drinkable, and even mass-marketable beers.  However, very few of their delicious beers really hit the mark of a given style.  This beer is good, hits appropriate alcohol numbers, and has some of the maltiness I would expect from an Oktoberfest.  However, I'd still say stick to the German beers if you are looking for authenticity.  The Shiner offering is a good bit lower on the malt profile and higher on the bittering hops than I was really looking for.  Still it is a very good, very approachable Oktoberfest beer for your friends, and it's a good session beer for you.

Style Oktoberfest
Price $7.99/six-pack
Found In Chain Import Store
Alcohol Content 5.7% by volume
Availability Fall Seasonal

Rating: 88

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Last day of Oktoberfest!

Going to review one last Oktoberfest tomorrow, from our friends down here in Shiner, Texas, albeit a little late as Oktoberfest ends today!  So rush out and grab a stein of Spaten and enjoy!