Monday, July 19, 2010

Beer: Shiner 101

Brewery: Spoetzl Brewery Shiner, Texas

Overview: While the label on a given Shiner beer may not always accurately reflect the style of beer inside, they do still make some exceptionally drinkable beers.  Add to that probably the broadest reach of a Texas brewery, along with the variety of beers that they produce, and you have a good recipe for success.  A few years back, Shiner started working towards their centennial with annual specialty brews, some of which have been quite exceptional.  Now, one year past the centennial celebration, the 101 is marketed as a Czech-Style Pilsener, though their website mentions it as a Helles, which would be a Munich Lager with a more dominant malt profile.

Aroma: Some malt profile with bread-like notes.  Light citrus hops aroma.  Fresh smell, very little complexity.

Appearance: Crystal clear gold.  Extremely thin white head that does hang around the edges.  Constant stream of bubbles - this beer does not flatten quickly.

Flavor: Upfront fresh hops hit right off the bat leaving some bitterness in the throat but with a very short finish.  Crisp mouthfeel from moderately high carbonation.  Very low maltiness evident in the flavor though what is there balances some of the hop bitterness in the middle.

Overall Impression: I am always intrigued to try Spoetzl's new brews, just to see where they fall, be it seasonal or annual or otherwise.  The 101, however, doesn't track on my top five beers to have emerged from Shiner, Texas.  The lack of any overwhelming maltiness settles the Pilsener versus Helles question for me, setting this in along side a Pilsner Urquell or other Czech Pils, but with a little bit more of a "mass-market" flavor profile.  I could certainly see swapping this out in your fridge if you are stocked to the brim with American Lite Lagers, and possibly even replacing the occasional standard import Pilsner, but I'm not going to replace anything with a higher level of flavor.  Overall, I'd say this is a fine beer to drink in an extended session on the lake or at the pool, or perhaps after doing the yardwork, but not something to take much time to consider or work your way through.  Chug it down, feel refreshed, and move along.

Style Bohemian Pilsener
Price $7.49/six-pack
Found In Grocery Store Beer Aisle
Alcohol Content 5.5% by volume
Availability Year-round/Limited Release (2010)
Bitterness 25 IBU

Rating: 87

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